You have been waiting for it… and here it is: An inspirational quote to start this article:
“The wise man knows he knows nothing”.
This sentence can be attributed to Socrates and I will link it to modern day decision making in the consulting context. The main insight of this section is that you should not expect yourself to know everything, even though customer expectations often feel like you should. Understanding your own limits is crucial for improving decision making and this is both your and your customers goal.
In order to make good decisions, you need relevant information. The art is to identify which information is crucial for a decision, even if you are not an expert in a topic. To put it a little different: When making decisions, it is not necessary to know everything about the context (which is impossible anyways), it is necessary to identify the crucial information. Even if you are hired as an expert in a certain field, you will not be able to know everything since there are always specifics to every company that you just can not anticipate. Especially in the beginning of a project it is important for you to be open about limited or missing information and explore their impact. If you are asking yourself what I am talking about, let me elaborate: There are basically two categories in the context of missing information when talking about decision making:
“I dont know and it is not important”
“I dont know but its crucially important”